Sunday, July 27, 2014

A family of bloggers we have become!

So cool! My one sister, the one in Argentina, started a blog around the same time as me.

 And now my other sister, who just made the cross country trek to Stockton, CA for grad school has also started one!

I love that we are so far apart but are able to still really connect...and it's so much more than what Facebook can poo poo on you FB! Blogging is better! I've officially been done with FB maybe a month and a half and it's been one of the best decisions I've made in a long time! I'm so much more connected to my girls and less distracted. I mean, seriously, why did I care so much who "liked" my posts??? What a waste of my time. 

Anyway...I've been absent for a few days.  Foo was down and out with a fever for 3 days and so we struggled with getting much school done. But this is the beauty of one has fallen behind...there is no pressure to get catch up or do extra work. We just continue where we left off. I've had people look at me like "what school in the summer???" But, it's great because if I stuck to the schedule I have penciled into my calendar, we would be done by the beginning of May...the likliehood of that happening is slim because I've given us time for things like illness, visitors, field trips. It's all about being flexible and being ok with that. 

About that flexibility, we are at my parents this week and I packed up all our schooling so we do it while we are here! We finished The Boxcar Children book last week and girls really enjoyed it. Tomorrow we start reading Dolphin Adventure...we love animals so we are excited. We got to Skype with my sister in Argentina was so nice to see her face and her smile...

My journey with God continues...we didn't make it to church this morning because we had a wedding last night and stayed overnight in a I needed to get home and pack and so did hubs. As I was getting everything ready I got a text from my parents best friend...she was at her church in York telling me about todays was about Who Is God? And i could listen to his later sermon at 10:45 over a live feed! It was so appropriate given the questions I've been asking myself lately...and one of my biggest take aways was that it's our culture that is trying to diminish's so true...I have this feeling of shyness about finding my Christianity again and almost a fear of being judged. And it's like why?? Why am I allowing our culture and society to diminish God in my life...I've always been one to stand up for what I believe...why would things be any different when it comes to God. I need to focus more on making God the center of everything..."Velcro" him to my many of us think of God as being so kind and gentle and loving...but what about how powerful he is...the King of Kings...The Almighty...maker of heaven and earth....he is not an "inconvienient God"...we don't put him in a box. Such great stuff and just amazing that I got to be a part of this worship...and such thanks to the lovely Jane for thinking of me and knowing how much this sermon could impact me. Psalms 145 got highlighted in my bible today. 

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