Saturday, July 19, 2014

"This is the best night ever"

Sorry hubs! I know you aren't here tonight and want to be so badly...but the duty of your friends call. Unfortunately, you missed what Maguillacutty called "the best night ever!" But before we get to that....

I got to grocery shop all by myself this morning!!! It was amazing!! And then it was the last official day of VBS where the girls sang some beautiful songs with their classmates for family and friends, followed by lunch and an awesome afternoon of water fun on the church lawn. Maguillacutty in polka dots...
Whippersnapper in pink striped dress with arm jamming out...
Water fun...Foo Young in blue and red suit

We are a Christ believing family... But have always struggled with making it a daily incorporation and we have always struggled with getting to church on Sundays...and I honestly have always struggled with what is faith? And then I read something this week "you exercise faith daily. By faith you fall asleep, confident of morning. You eat, expecting nourishment. You breathe in air you can't see. You drive your car, trusting it will take you to your destination." And then it just seemed to click inside of me...the word of god is a faith builder...I just gotta keep reading. And the timing of this is just crazy because daily bible readings are incorporated into our Sonlight curriculum. I've learned more than my girls have the last 2's amazing. And I've felt very emotional and wondering if this is what being "saved" feels like? 

So, onto the best night ever....all this began while I was chatting on phone with my momma...

And the night ended with me just feeling love...loving my kids and their smiles so much and the giggles, the innocence, the wonder, the hugs, and lastly the silence after everyone was in bed ;) 


1 comment:

  1. Meghan,

    I found this post to be so inspiring. We are all still learning each and every day and I just wanted to encourage you to continue seeking The Lord. He will reward it! Also, I have been absolutely loving reading your blog each day!
